CLiA panel discussion featured on international news site
This week, an article about a panel discussion at our recent CLiA event is featured on the international hospice news site ehospice.
A panel of experts – which included St Ann’s Chief Executive Eamonn O’Neal, Chair of Trustees Professor Jackie Oldham, the Executive Lead for Quality from the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Dr Richard Preece, and Dr David Waterman Palliative and End of Life Care Lead for the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network – gathered at the event to celebrate the graduation of thirteen St Ann’s nurses from our new Clinical Leadership in Action (CLiA) programme.
The future of hospice care was a key topic discussed by the panel, and its place in the bigger health and social care landscape. Other topics put to the panel included the role of hospices in their local communities, and the importance of hospices working together.
You can read more of the discussion by clicking here.