Celebrating Trustees’ Week

This week we’re celebrating Trustees’ Week (Monday 2nd – Friday 6th November) at St Ann’s. We’re so grateful to have our Trustees as part of Team St Ann’s and we’re taking this week as an opportunity to thank them for their commitment and dedication to the hospice.
Our trustees are volunteers and ensure proper governance of our charity. They offer invaluable advice and expertise, and they each give significant amounts of time each year in support of St Ann’s. They are all from a variety of backgrounds and hold senior positions in their chosen field.
Professor Jackie Oldham, Chair of the Board of Trustees at St Ann’s, said:
“This week is Trustees’ Week and gives us time to pause and reflect on the major contribution all of our Trustees make to St Ann’s Hospice. Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the strategic direction and governance of St Ann’s, ensuring we fulfil our objectives and ambitious plans for the future as well as adhering to our philosophy and values.
“The Trustee role is voluntary and is bourne out of a commitment to the organisation, our patients, families and friends, staff and volunteers. Many Trustees will have seen loved ones taken care of in St Ann’s or another a hospice. Others have a deep commitment to ensuring the success of St Ann’s. Whatever the motivation their commitment is phenomenal and in my experience the drive and passion of the St Ann’s Trustees remains unsurpassed.
“This week, we take a moment to offer thanks to each and everyone of our Trustees alongside each other and all of our staff and volunteers.”
Some of our Trustees shared their favourite hospice moments with us…
My favourite moments as a Trustee are being involved in clinical leadership walkabouts, and acting as the Trustee monitoring our Health and Safety standards. I enjoy meeting staff and patients face to face, and hearing their views about our services. Often staff just need reassuring about their own potential solutions to problems and harnessing them to tackle things at work. It is also humbling to observe the immense talent we have in clinical and other areas. Our patients are so grateful for all that is done for them. Mike Brown, Vice Chair and Trustee

One favourite moment was doing a walk around the hospice and talking to patients about their really positive experiences of care at St Ann’s. It made me feel really proud of the staff and grateful to be a part of the team as a Trustee. Fiona Taylor, Trustee

My favourite moment during lockdown was attending a virtual meeting where the Executive Team explained how the hospice was dealing with the pandemic. Before the meeting I was expecting to hear bad news, but it was so reassuring to hear the positive stories. The staff were clearly doing an amazing job to keep the flag flying. I left the meeting with a warm feeling and total admiration for everyone at St Ann’s. Luke Dillon, Trustee