Donate to the new hospice fund

Every donation takes us closer to building a world-class facility for patients and their families in Greater Manchester. Thank you for your generosity.

Your support will help us to build a complete care facility in Greater Manchester that people can come to from diagnosis of a life-limiting illness, through treatment, and beyond. A place where our holistic approach to care will meet the complete medical, physical and spiritual needs of patients and their families, in an environment that is welcoming, caring and fully equipped with modern facilities.

You can make your donation now using the simple form below or by using our JustGiving page.

Your support will help us to build a complete care facility in Greater Manchester that people can come to from diagnosis of a life-limiting illness, through treatment, and beyond. A place where our holistic approach to care will meet the complete medical, physical and spiritual needs of patients and their families, in an environment that is welcoming, caring and fully equipped with modern facilities. 

You can make your donation now using the simple form below. Large gifts will be recognised with room sponsorships and lasting mementos designed into the build. We would be delighted to have a conversation with you about how you would like to help us achieve our vision. 

For donations over £10,000, or to make a bank transfer, or for more information on funding packages and bespoke recognition please contact: Anne-Marie Wynne | | 07870581092.