Cheers to you, from St Ann’s
Join #TeamStAnns on Wednesday 16th December as we look back at 2020 and look forward to the future.
Date: Wednesday 16th December
Time: 4:00pm – 4.45pm
Cost: Free
This December we’re hosting a special virtual event to express our gratitude to our corporate supporters who continue to work with and help St Ann’s during these difficult and uncertain times.
During the webinar we’ll have key hospice speakers who will share how your support has helped our teams to adapt throughout Covid-19, to continue to meet the needs of our patients. We’ll also be sharing our upcoming plans for our 50th birthday next year and the development of our new build at our Heald Green hospice site. As a special addition, we will have one of our supporters take part in the conversation to talk about the benefit of St Ann’s to the local community and his personal experience with our hospice.
This is a free Zoom event, that aims to give a ‘festive cheers’ to our corporate supporters. We are encouraging supporters to invite a business friend to join the webinar and find out more about St Ann’s and the vital work we do.