Evelyn’s story
Evelyn Smith remembers bringing her baby to the hospice to see his grandma for the first time 45 years ago...

Proud grandma Annie, who has just been discharged from St Ann’s when this photo was taken
“My mother-in-law was in St Ann’s, Heald Green in 1976 at the time I gave birth to her first grandchild. I had left a bottle of sherry for her and the nurses to wet the baby’s head when the news of his arrival came through.
I well remember the first time I took the baby to see his grandma, someone must have spotted my car pulling in because before I could get myself, baby and all the necessary equipment out of the car, I had a welcoming committee! They hurried ahead of me, calling ‘Annie, your baby is here to see you.' Evelyn

With Annie and my father-in-law on our wedding day
“He was taken on a tour of all the wards and when his feed was due, one of the nurses took him and brought him back clean, fed and fast asleep.
“My father-in-law died in 1986 and since then my husband and I have taken up the regular donations.
“Many thanks for all you did for my family and happy 50th birthday.”

With my now grown-up son, Matthew, on his wedding day