
Our Rehabilitation Team is a cross-site team which works with hospice inpatients and outpatients.

Physiotherapist - Bobby Magee Clinical

What is rehabilitation in a hospice setting?

Rehabilitation encompasses a spectrum of goals which offer an active support system to patients at every stage of their illness. These aim to improve function where the patient has capacity, maintain function where the effects of the illness and its treatment threaten decline, or ease the transition towards functional decline when the deterioration is inevitable.

Services we deliver:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietetics
  • Lymphoedema
  • Complementary Therapy – find out more here

How we can help

  • Support to maintain participation in valued activities such as sitting in a chair and spending time with family.
  • Advice around small appetite and taste changes to help patients enjoy food and maintain adequate nutrition.
  • Assessment of lymphoedema and recommendations such as skin care, pressure garments to wear to help maintain independence with daily living tasks.
  • Complementary therapies including reflexology, massage, reiki and aromatherapy to assist with relaxation, calming and comfort.
  • Non-pharmacological strategies to enable patients to manage symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, breathlessness and pain, and to be able to participate in daily life.
  • Goal-setting to work on patient’s priorities.

Making a referral

If you feel someone may benefit from the services provided by St Ann’s, this page will give you a quick guide to referring them to us.

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